

Paradigm Construction

Dave Davenport has been in the building industry for over 30 years. He has worked throughout southern Tasmania, interstate and internationally. His love of and respect for the built environment is obvious throughout his long career. Whether building log cabins in Juneau, Alaska; purposeful, environmentally conscious additions in Hobart; award winning, architect designed, greenfield projects; or restoring century old estates: Dave has completed all of them with passion, expertise, and flair.

Rosemary is a fisheries biologist, science teacher, Paradigm office administrator, and social media manager. Dave and Rose have been married for 27 years and have two daughters.

Our Philosophy

We believe in collaborative, cooperative relationships and we have created a company that achieves this through open and effective communication. It is important to us to uphold this approach for our clients, professional associates, and our valued Paradigm team.

The other thing that we have built, of which we are very proud, is a progressive work environment.  We try to maintain a culture that actively supports employees in their multiple life roles with a flexible and inclusive workplace. We encourage a healthy work-life balance for all our employees. We value the team we have assembled - talented and knowledgeable managers, carpenters, and apprentices.

Community Engagement

A final aspect of Paradigm Construction that we feel is very important is engagement with our community.  Sharing power, knowledge and expertise builds communities to support each other and to develop leadership skills.  Rosemary and Dave have led mathematics workshops and developed science and maths lesson plans for high schoolers that focus on theory and academic skills for future tradespeople.  Besides giving their time, Paradigm has donated money and materials to local high schools.

Additionally, we are active members of Friends of Tasman Island, a group belonging to Wild Care. Paradigm Construction has donated time and resources to restoring the lighthouse keepers’ quarters on Tasman Island and in return we have had amazing experiences. 

Paradigm Construction also participates in local social activism. As a company, we attended Schoolstrike4climate protests and the Black Lives Matter Vigil on June 6, 2020 on Hobart Parliament Lawns.